Tuesday 28 October 2008

Day +138 A new book

It's hard to believe the end of October is almost here. I continue to feel better and better and have been able to move forward with the new story of my life. While my previous book had endless chapters and resembled one of the Lord of the Rings epics, the plan for my next book is one that will likely not sell thousands of copies but to me is very exciting - plain, simple, uneventful life. Brilliant.

My visit to the clinic a couple of weeks ago again indicated my numbers are rolling along nicely. The detailed results of the aspirate I had at Day +100 were normal. I have bloodwork tomorrow but don't have to see the doctor at the clinic for another 2 weeks.
As my health inched closer to the "normal" end of the range, I decided it was time to see my friend Dr. Aung in Edmonton for a tune up. Amazingly, he fit me in to his packed schedule and I drove up last Tuesday afternoon to see him, stayed overnight and then saw him again before heading back Wednesday morning. It was wonderful to see him as usual, and equally wonderful to stay with my cousin Amy and catch up on some visiting. I lived with Amy and her mom in Regina while finishing my degree after mom and dad had moved to Calgary, so she's like my little sister. She had just returned from spending a year in London with her husband Ryland so we had a lot to catch up on. It was a quick but very full and satisfying trip.

With the health front becoming less time-intensive, I managed to keep my schedule busy by assisting Tasha with her fundraiser for Rethinkbreastcancer - the Rethink Romp! I helped put together some of the donations her committee had received for the silent auction and then last Thursday volunteered at the event. It was a totally amazing event - they sold out before the event began, and the music and atmosphere was very funky. Some of my friends from the old LLS board were able to come out as well! Tasha's efforts with her small team of committee members resulted in huge success, raising nearly twice the funds they had expected as well as expanding awareness for young breast cancer patients. I was thrilled to witness such amazing energy!
After Thursday's social scene, I gathered enough energy to make it to the girls' poker night Friday and see some of my PwC friends. Saturday was an annual Halloween bash hosted by my PwC friend Shannon - I worked for Shannon over the years and she has endless energy. Her decorations and games are always extensive and the costumes by both adults and kids are always impressive. (L-R The witch and her dog, Sumo's pants are falling down, Shannon's husband "Beetlejuice" Jeff)

When it rains it pours! Last week while heading to and from Edmonton, volunteering at the Romp, playing poker and being witchy, mom and dad were babysitting Jack and Davis while their parents were in Mexico for 4 days. The boys are getting so big now and say so much - quite hilarious. I got to play, dance and hang out in between all of my events, with my favourite little men (Jack L Davis R)
After a couple of days of rest following my social flurry, I am ready to roll again. I have a few lunches planned this week in between a couple appointments and bloodwork and then Friday I'll fly to Vancouver. Jack and Davis are going with their parents to meet their great-grandma Gunn, and mom and I didn't want to miss the look on her face when they slide into her nursing home for the first time. While she won't be able to say anything, I imagine her expression will speak volumes. I'm also going to relive my childhood and go trick or treating with my cousins Joelle and Grady... I can't wait.

Cheers and Happy Halloween! Tricia


Mary Ellen said...

Hi Tricia,
It's wonderful to hear you are feeling better & better!I'm amazed at all the activity & action going on in your life, and I love the pictures you have posted on this latest blog. You make a pretty spectacular Halloween Witch!! The picture of Jack, Davis & you shows lots of happiness. Thanks!
Keep on getting better & better, and we'll keep on cheering you on.

Lots of love, prayers & Qi,
Mary Ellen & Bob xoxoxoxo

BJ said...

Hi Tricia,
Your continuing good news and positive recovery are so promising. We send our hopes, best wishes and prayers your way for constant improvement and the uneventful life your next plan entails.
Love and admiration, BJ

Sonia said...

Hey Tricia!

Cheers to your uneventful life!! It looks good on you!

Love Sonia

Louise and David said...

Dear Tricia,
So, Day +138 is not just the start of a new chapter but the beginning of a brand new book. That's good news, for sure. Congratulations on your improving numbers, the normal results of your Day +100 aspirate and the ever-widening gap between required visits to your doctor.

We were not surprised to hear that Dr. Aung fit you into his "packed schedule" when you decided to travel to Edmonton for a "tune up". I suspect that he was as eager to see you as you were to tap into more of the Qi that he helped to release in you in the days before your transplant. I'll bet his own energies were renewed by your healthy presence. It sounds like you had a timely and good visit with Amy, too.

It was nice that you were able to be a volunteer at the Rethink Romp that Tasha and her committee organized. No matter what else is going on in your lives, you and Tasha always have time for one another. It must have been special for the two of you to share the energy and hope that is generated by such a successful fundraising event.

As you know, we are always drawn to the pictures that you include in your blog postings. (You make far too pretty a witch, though.) The photo of you and your "favourite little men" just oozes love; in fact, it is now featured on our desktop, where it will remain for the next few days.

We hope Dana and Brandon's trip to Mexico went well. It must have been very nice for them to get away for a few days on their own. Two loving grandparents and an attentive aunt make such safe, reliable babysitters, too. The three of you deserve a pat on the back.

Isn't it great that Jack and Davis are going to meet their great-Grandma Gunn for the first time? No wonder you and your mom want to be there for that particular nursing-home encounter. Amanda's home will be a lively, happy place that day for sure. I hope you are taking your camera along to capture some of those precious images.

I should warn you, Tricia, that you will probably have to be quick to keep up with Joelle and Grady on their Hallowe'en rounds. Maybe you've forgotten the hectic nature of trick-or-treating. Speed is everything on that one night in the year when treats are plentiful and free. (Roller-blades might be an asset.) Anyway, have fun and...go ahead...eat lots of sweets.

As for your new book, Tricia, we look forward to every chapter of the plain, simple and uneventful life that you wisely call "exciting" and "brilliant". Tricia's Tides will remain at the top of our reading list as you and your story just keep getting "better and better".

Cheers and lots of love,
Louise and David

kbub said...

I can think of nothing better than for you to write a plain, simple, long book.

"Who's that? That's just my boring cousin Tricia. She never has anything dramatic to report."

Actually, though, your steady improvement is pretty exciting for those of us reading. Keep writing!

ed said...

Hi Tricia,

Your Tides have brought a tide of joy my way. I was especially interested to hear of your visit with Dr. Aung. I was "in the chair" yesterday and the nurses continue to ask about you.

Lots of love and Qi

Uncle Ed