Sunday 8 February 2015

Chemo grey

Round 2 started reactions to infusions, got my head shaved and was generally okay for the first day after.  Wore my new blonde (yes, blonde) wig to my monthly documentary movie with friends and hoped the new strategy for the hand/arm cramps experienced in round 1 would hold.  The cramps took over on the third day though, so I called the chemo line and got an additional med plan...which started to work on the following day, but basically kept me in a very flat, heavy state layered with muscle weakness and fatigue I call the dark grey of chemo.  It stayed like that for about 3 days.

Luckily this morning I had a little less weight and managed to get showered, get my wig and "stuffies" on and make it to the church for Jack and Davis' baptism.  It went well and I delivered on my godmother role - it was really a great afternoon, and it seems the light of the event allowed for some of the grey to fade slightly.  Anytime I feel improvement I am fueled by the hope of continued progress the following day.

Little Lucy just darted by mom, dad and I as we watched the Grammy's with my pyjamas in her mouth (yes they are bigger than her whole body) - can't help but laugh at her persistence for attention.

Tomorrow will be lighter grey.