Saturday 11 October 2008

Day + 120 A New Chapter

As always, my friend NYC gave me the gift of renewed energy.

Mom and I hit the streets of Manhattan within an hour of arriving a week ago last Thursday and were not disappointed. We met up with several old friends at Elaine's, a restaurant that was like my second home when I lived in New York a few years ago. I call Elaine's "my portal to the world" for all the connections with people I have made there and the interesting paths that have emerged from there.

During our days in NYC, we met with a number of old friends from my Manhattan life - my Elaine's family, previous coworkers on the PwC project I worked on, and fellow actors from the theatre company I was in. It was energizing to see everyone, and all were amazed by how well I appeared. I was able to walk blocks and blocks of uneven pavement in Soho, the West Village, Greenwich Village, Midtown, Uptown and even Harlem (at Rao's restaurant!)without becoming short of breath. It was definitely as though no time had passed since my visit a year ago.

We treated ourselves to an amazing performance by John Lithgow, Diane Wiest and Katie Holmes in Arthur Miller's All My Sons on Broadway, as well as to an off-off-Broadway production featuring my prior theatre company member Lauren. We (window) shopped at Bloomindales, Saks Fifth Avenue and Barney's. And we rested often in our hotel!

Of course, the primary reason for heading to the Big Apple was to show the doctors at Sloan Kettering their "product". I met with Dr. Young last Monday and he was quite impressed with the results, as well as everything I was able to do while in New York. And while he realizes my results are exceptional, he wasn't terribly surprised with how I looked and felt - he even asked me if I was back to swimming yet. It was a humorous confirmation that he has confidence in my ability to be an exception to the statistics, and that in itself was worth the trip to NYC. While I had moments during the week of slight sadness for the New York life I once led and lost so suddenly, most of the time I celebrated the city that still manages to give me energy, and the city that led me to my most recent treatment option.

Returning late Wednesday, I was back to physio Thursday and in for Day +120 bloodwork yesterday. Later today I'll visit with some aunts, uncles and cousins and tomorrow have a Thanksgiving dinner. My list of things to be thankful for is very long and includes thousands of names. It is perfect timing to reflect on the past 11+ years, be so appreciative, and move on to a totally different chapter of life.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Cheers.


BJ said...

Dear Tricia,
As expected, the city you love so much was a refreshing and energizing time for you. It would have been great to see the doctor's reaction to your recovery. It must have provided you with hope and a renewed lease.
It is also nice to know that you will be reconnecting with family now that you are home. We will be with you and them in spirit, and of course, we continue to keep you in our prayers.
Happy Thanksgiving to all--we have much for which to be grateful
Love, BJ

sophie@montréal said...

Hi Tricia,
I'm really happy for you and I'm so glad that you're doing well. I think about you often, and your blog is great for finding out what you're up to and how you are.
Happy Thanksgiving!

ed said...

Dear Tricia,

Thank you for the update. It is so good to hear from you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lots of Love

Uncle Ed

Louise and David said...

Dear Tricia,
Ever since you told us that you and Marie were going to New York, we have been looking forward to hearing all about it on Tricia's Tides. Your latest posting is perfect!

The very first thing we looked for was a report of your meeting with the doctors at Sloan Kettering. We had a feeling that they would be even more impressed with you than all of the rest of us put together. They know exactly what you have been through and can really appreciate the amazing "exception to statistics" that you are. Without ever having been to New York ourselves, we love it for leading you to the treatment option that you so courageously chose and to which you have responded so "swimmingly".

We also love NY for the energy that it continues to give you. This city must have a magical quality about it if you have gone from doing a few laps around the house to walking "blocks and blocks" of Manhattan's colourful streets.

Your return to Elaine's reminded us of some of your previous blog postings and the accompanying photos. Your reference to the restaurant as your "portal to the world" is filled with images of good friends, famous people, exciting contacts and new directions, (including "off-off Broadway" theatre). Thanks for taking us there with you once again.

We are pleased that you had time and energy to connect with so many of your NYC friends, co-workers and associates. We know from our own experience that people want to see you for themselves. You say that you are energized by their reception; but we appreciate that it is equally charging for them to be with you. That is your gift to others, Tricia.

You make everything about NYC sound so appealing, from sightseeing, to dining, to attending Broadway shows, to window shopping, to relaxing in your hotel room. We suspect that Manhattan is so alive with excitement for you because you celebrate LIFE wherever you go.

Welcome home to Calgary! It does not surprise us at all that you are already talking about "A New Chapter" of life. While you are reflecting on the past and giving thanks in the present, you are forever moving forward with hope and promise. You know that we are still right with you, every step of the way, don't you, Tricia?

Have a happy Thanksgiving weekend. May this next chapter of your life be filled with happenings, health and happiness. Cheers!

Lots of love,
Louise and David

Mary Ellen said...

Hi Tricia,
And Happy Thanksgiving back to you!
Thanks again for your new posting; you have a knack for bringing NY to life. I've never been there, but from your writing, it sounds pretty wonderful!
You're definitely part of our gratitude list, and we send our love, prayers, & Qi your way.

Lots of love,
Bob & Mary Ellen xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Tricia!
Reading your last post made me remember how much I loved NY even though I was only there for a week, and also that I completely forgot to tell you anything about my trip!
That's so cool that you got to see Katie Holmes' Broadway debut, I heard she's pretty good. On my trip, a couple classmates and I treated ourselves to "Chicago". I couldn't resist seeing the real thing! I loved it. We also managed to squeeze in the Met, MoMA, the Guggenheim, the Fric collection, a lunch at the Society of Illustrators, the Neue Gallery, walked the Brooklyn Bridge (amazing!), had a crazy time trying to figure out the trains (I ended up in Queens by accident and quickly got off to switch directions and head back to Manhattan). We also had a funny episode while looking for Greenwich Village, mistakenly asking a couple locals for directions, but not knowing any better, we pronounced it "green-witch", which we quickly found out is wrong. (It took three tries before they even understood what we were talking about). We also had a regular breakfast spot right across from the Holiday Inn MidTown where we were staying called the Morning Star. Although I doubt they'd recognize me if I ever went back.
One thing I've noticed ever since being back is how many movies and shows are set in New York! Every time I see one (which seems like 90% of the time) I get so excited. I can only imagine how much you must miss it.
I'm so happy to hear that you're continuing to do so well, and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
My lunch break's now over so I've got to get back to work, but I promise to write again soon!


Sonia said...

Awesome news Tricia!!!

I am so glad you guys had a wonderful time in New York! Funny....I just read the comments and there was one from "sonia" and I was - i don't remember posting that??? then i realized it wasn't me...i haven't been to New York!

Hope you enjoyed lots of turkey and treats at Thanksgiving...although the most enjoyment, comes from the company you share it with...


Unknown said...

It was so special and wonderful to see you! Thank you for sharing some of your time with me, can't wait to see you again!