Tuesday 18 November 2014

Marked and heading to Flashdance

So a quick update.  Move is essentially finished and ready for the movers to transport everything next week.  Was a definite pre-op workout ;) so glad it's over.  Finished all my pre-op tests and appointments, signed off my condo sale, and my sentinel node is marked and ready to go.

Surgery time now confirmed - 9:10 AM tomorrow.  Check in by 7:10.  Many of you have asked how I'm doing and what I'm thinking about tomorrow.  I'm really not thinking about tomorrow.  I guess I am not looking forward to how everything will look afterward.given my already complicated neck and chest.  I'm obviously uncertain about the pathology.  I'm just happy to get it out.  But honestly I am probably just focused on right now.  Heading out now for dinner and "Flashdance" the musical with friends.  Nothing like a 1980's throw back to keep my focus off tomorrow ;)

Thanks again to everyone for the texts, messages, emails, thoughts and prayers.  Appreciate any extras around 9 AM MST tomorrow for my surgeon.  Cheers
