Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Waiting to Live

Finally the deepfreeze has lifted and there is a hope of Spring in the air! My car looks like a jungle safari tour vehicle covered in mud and salt but it's nice that it's wet and not frozen solid like the past few weeks.

Last week was by far one of my busiest in a while - every night I had some event, and while some were indirectly linked to leukemia, they were mostly NOT medical appointments. Monday night I attended a workshop with a casting director at the acting company I used to study with, Tuesday I spoke to a group of people planning to run a marathon and raise funds for blood cancer research, Wednesday I saw the Kite Runner (incredible), Thursday I attended the Cancervive sponsorship appreciation night (Calgary to Austin cycling event) and Friday saw 27 Dresses with mom. During those days, I packed in bloodwork, physio, Day One chemo, getting my computer fixed, lunches and coffees with coworkers and friends, and attending Tasha's appointment with her oncologist (no pathology results yet for her, we're hoping by tomorrow!). The week was kind of a reminder of what I like to be - busy, running from one experience to the other, relying on my blackberry to tell me where to be and when.

Of course, I always like to push my limits and on the weekend spent most of my time sleeping and fighting off some nausea, perhaps as a result of my busy week, but who knows. I had a brief break from that on Sunday, when mom and I met Tasha, Ryan and Talyn at the Health Show to find out about the next wonder juice and what healing treatments could cure us all! Speaking of treatments, there is no further update on the status of the transplant application - it is virtually complete, awaiting signatures and assembly to be on its way to Ottawa for Health Canada's review. Patience is a virtue isn't it!??? I did find out that currently transplants are being booked into April, so even if we get approval in the coming month, the timing will not likely be earlier than May, which is quite a bit later than I had expected.

After absorbing this for a few days, I've decided to take advantage of the delay. I can only get stronger physically before the treatment in that time. The reality is that this may be the best I feel, even after a transplant, so I better just start living and doing everything I want to rather than putting off everything waiting to get my life back. So, I have been tossing plans around quickly in my head like crazy, and I am certain my blackberry will continue to be full of interesting things in the coming months...stay tuned!

What's in your calendar? Put something good in there...stop waiting!