Wednesday 27 December 2006

Holiday entertainment

Well Christmas came and went, and it was a wonderful time. We had a big delicious turkey dinner on Christmas Eve, with uncle Bob, Brandon, Dana and the twins, Dana's mom and her boyfriend, and Dana's brother. It was a wonderful meal and I even was able to help out making it, something I'd never imagined doing. It was also great to have uncle Bob around at Christmas again - almost 20 years may have passed, but it was just as though it were last year.

Christmas Day morning was quiet here but then we went to Brandon and Dana's for brunch (incredible waffles) and watched Jack and Davis open their mountain of gifts. I expected they wouldn't be that interested as they are only 6 1/2 months, but they were both squealing and reaching and laughing the whole time. One of the gifts I bought them is a little Sesame Street "sofa" and to see them both sitting in it was worth it! We all had great entertainment and I can't imagine what Christmas was before they came!

I am in week 2 of my usual chemo cycle, and feeling a bit of bone pain and fatigue (also all the action probably has worn me out a bit), but generally still doing very well. Aside from blood work on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, I had a pretty uninterrupted holiday. Now I just want to recover and get rested for Hawaii on Tuesday! I still don't really believe I am going. I was able to get some great snorkeling gear and surfer wear (Christmas gift cards!) so I think I'll be ready to hit the water.

Several times over the past few days I have stopped to wonder at how well I am doing given where I was just a few months ago. I know now that anything can happen - with love and support of others, your own hope and positive energy, miracles are possible. Thank you again for your continued support. I wish you a wonderful holiday season and a healthy 2007....please let me know what you have been up to or what your plans are.
