Wednesday 18 June 2008

Day + 6: A Change of Scenery

I'm likely going to fall asleep any moment, so I thought I'd make a quick effort to update you. My stomach woes have continued and become more frequent; the doctors started me on an antibiotic today just to be cautious, as I also have increased pain in my abdomen. I received another shot of G yesterday and today, and the doctors are pleased with where my white counts are (low). I received another transfusion of platelets today again as they were heading south. Overall, I'm handling the hassle of my stomach issues pretty well, but I am getting pretty exhausted.

Due to a faulty sink in my room and the risk that any renovation/construction pose for someone with no infection-fighting neutriphils, I had to move to a different room today. Luckily for me, mom and dad were up at that time, and between the patient care assistants and them, the move was relatively smooth. So now I have a different view, of the river and downtown. Always nice to have a change. It's also a little quieter down this hallway, so perhaps I'll get some rest, which I desperately need.

While I didn't post yesterday, it was very nice to get comments and guestbook entries from everyone. It does give me a boost to see my red light flashing on my blackberry and makes me feel not so isolated! Cheers - enjoy your day and appreciate every normal bowel movement you have!