Thursday 5 June 2008

Lucky Day - 7

So far so good. Aside from being tired with a mild headache, Clof and I are getting along famously so far (it's the NYC connection). I was able to get another pass overnight yesterday, and even managed to stop by to see Davis and Jack on their actual birthday. The Unit 57 physiotherapist came by yesterday to go through all the (pages and pages) exercises I am to do, but the running around after the 2-year old twins in the backyard sun last night was far more interesting and effective!

I've included another photo today, and thought I'd show you what my real hair looks like, before it falls out next week! It's thickened up a bit since I've had a short break from chemo in the past couple months, but I had it cut nice and short so it's easier when it falls out. I am getting my third dose of Clofarabine right now, and will hope to continue feeling well for at least another day...we'll see!