Sunday, 22 June 2008

Day + 10 : Less Pain and Hair

Today was a better day. That's really nice to report. While I didn't have a great sleep again, and woke up with a headache, I did feel like I had a little less pain as well as bloating in my stomach and abdomen. I also had my favourite nurse Melanie on, and she unhooked me after my half-dozen morning infusions and I showered before 12 noon - quite a feat. She also told me my white counts had gone "kinda crazy", likely due to the G-shots kicking in, and that my neutrophils were 12.2. Yes, that's 12.2. They will definitely go down tomorrow as I didn't receive a G-shot today, but it's a pretty nice response. Go Red and White.

I was able to walk a few laps slowly around the nursing station with mom early in the day, and didn't think it was as painful. Then the doctor examined me and pressed on my abdomen as they do everyday and she was quite happy with the reduction in my pain reaction as well as the increased softness of my belly. I was able to walk again with Dad later in the day and even walk outside for a few minutes. Glorious to smell the flowers and feel the sunshine on my head. Oh yeah, Mel shaved my head today as my hair started falling out a lot yesterday. I had some nausea this evening when mom came up but I managed to walk again for a few laps before sitting down to post.

My normal team of doctors will be back tomorrow and I hope they will be pleased with today's progress. I am definitely not out of the woods with the typhilitis but hope that today put me a little further away from the heavy dark centre of the forest. Since it was such a good day and everyone has been working so hard on sending me good energy, I thought I'd try to post a very short video of me with my new hairdo. In case your computer won't play it, I've posted a picture too. I'm going to bed now in hope of a solid rest and more work tomorrow. Again, endless thanks to all.