Thursday 12 June 2008

Day 0: The Cells are In

I never imagined I'd be sitting on my couch at home posting on Day 0. This morning's infusion started around 9:30 am, when the nurses brought in the familiar bag of my brother's cells from yesterday. To avoid a reaction, they give Benadryl prior to infusion, and that pretty much knocked me out so I slept through the infusion. Apparently it went smoothly and my vital signs did not change from the beginning to end. I slept until around 2:00 pm this afternoon, when I was told that I could go out on pass for a few hours if I felt like it. I'm still pretty "swacked" from this morning, and now have 0.1 white counts, so dozing to the U.S. Open is about the excitement I'm experiencing. But it is exciting.
I'll probably fall asleep typing any more, so I'll keep this one short. The cells are in, thanks for the support, now the waiting begins!