Well I am about an hour away from finishing the Thiotepa infusion. My liver function test yesterday had jumped pretty high, so the doctors consulted with the trial doctor in NYC. While my ALT (Alanine Transaminase) was over 3 times the maximum normal, they decided to continue with the chemo as planned. Apparently the other trial patients experienced even higher ALTs while in the conditioning phase. My forecast for today's ALT based on a trend analysis I did (yes, I used a spreadsheet) ended up being higher than the actual increase today, so that's positive. Maybe it was all the roasted garlic and lemon water I was guzzling over the past 2 days. Or the Qi Gong meditations for the liver...whatever, I'm happy it came in below my expectation. Only 3 more days of chemo to go and then it can take a bit of a rest.
I'll be showering after the infusion and then every 6 hours for the next 24 hours even through the night (so no more overnight passes). They also change my sheets and I have to change my clothes each 6 hour interval and not wear any creams, jewellery or tapes on my central line, as the Thiotepa excretes through the pores and can cause skin blistering. Talk about laundry! Otherwise I am feeling pretty good - fatigue and minor aching is about all I can complain about. Way better than I expected again. Keep that positive energy coming - you're certainly helping me!
Once again, we are grateful for the update. You are certainly looking wonderful and we are happy for your progress so far. We will continue to pray for a successful outcome and send our positive thoughts and vibes your way.
Love, BJ
Hey Tricia,
Great news...! I am so happy to hear that treatment is continuing as planned, keep up the good work you are doing amazing!
Love Sonia
Hi Tricia,
We're happy to hear that your actual ALT was lower than the trend analysis forecast you had worked out before hand!
Thanks once again for the post and the new picture of you. Looking wonderful!
We continue sending all our love & prayers, as you continue on with the treatment.
Love & admiration,
Mary Ellen & Bob xoxoxo
Hi Tricia!
Sending positive energies for you as you receive the Thiotepa today. Much love and prayers are still storming you in Hotel 57!
Lots of love,
Lots of love, prayers and Qi for you.
Uncle Ed
The children are praying their Hail Mary for you every night, and I know that our prayers for you have already been answered... we only have to wait in faith to see the results!
Dear Tricia,
Thank you for this latest update and picture. We wonder how you can keep looking so good in spite of all that you are going through right now. Your smile is downright inspiring.
That theotepa is sure powerful stuff. We hope your frequent showers and changes of clothing and bedding work together to keep your skin free of burns and blisters.
We appreciate knowing that you can actually feel the help of all the positive energy that is being sent your way right now. As you forge ahead on your journey, all we can offer is our encouragement from afar. You have that for sure!
For now, Tricia, may each day's events continue to be "way better than you expected". . . again and again and again.
Lots of love, Louise and David
Seriously? A spreadsheet? There was no doubt you are meant to be an accountant!
Keep up the garlic mmmm I bet your making lots of friends!
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