Saturday 20 May 2017

Radiosurgery 101 and Happy May Long

I thought I'd do a post - just had a nap so should have enough energy for a short post.

Between Wednesday and yesterday, mom and I were up to the Tom Baker 3 times in the basement (radiation).   I had four treatments.  Prep was done last week.  Some of you were asking about what the treatment feels like, so I thought I'd share what I can tell you.  What it feels like during the treatment is easier to describe than what how the treatment actually works, and it is again different than how I feel post-treatment.  How it works would require a physicist, radio oncologist and a few very smart technicians.  And none of us would understand it ;)

When they call my name, they lead me into a room where I lay down on a thin mental board.  At the end of a board is a base that was formed for my head last week.  I get my head positioned into the base, and then they put a warm blanket on me.  Then comes my mask, also made last week.  It's made of something that reminds me of silly string from back in the 90s.  But is is hard - not soft.  They tell me we're about to start and then clamp the mask on my face.  It's pretty tight, but luckily I've never been a tiny bit claustrophobic.  Then all the technicians and physicists leave.

I also have an orange ring on my stomach - like you'd play fetch with a dog with - to hold do my hands don't slide.  The machine will shut off if you move too much, so for the next half hour I start my strategies to keep calm and forget I'm getting treatment.  It involves breathing, visualizing - often I swim with turtles and boogeybord in Maui.  There's also the music - I've asked for Jazz - I used to play Jazz piano some will know.  And I know that there will be roughly 7-10 sounds in the half hour so it's another way to measure where I'm at.  I've actually thought a lot about my summer years ago pre-cancer at Jazz Camp in Saskatchewan where as someone who never played Jazz got placed with this group of talented guys who already played in a band together.  It's crazy how your mind helps you when you need it.  So between the music and the breathing and the visualization, I get through the 1/2 hour.  I keep my eyes closed, but I can also feel that my little metal board moves, sometimes it rocks a bit back and forth, I hear some dinging sometimes and on the first day the people were also calling out various numbers - the physics part I think - during some of it.  And then with my eyes closed I also see green and orange light pass by, and hear various different fans or something.  They did tell mom that next week she can watch if she likes.  If she can handle looking at me with the mask clamped on my face I'd love to know if my little board is moving or not.

Once they remove the mask, I pull myself up, find mom in the waiting room an head home. On the first day I had to do 2 and after the first they asked if I wanted a break and I didn't really so we did they second immediately.  The machine has never stopped and after the first day they said I was a rockstar ;)

So that's what it feel like during treatment.  I've got 2 more next week Tuesday and Wednesday and I also see Dr. Voroni, the radio oncologist who I saw last week before we did the mask, on Tuesday before treatment.  I don't know if I have to more beyond Wednesday or not.  I'm letting the experts deal with it.

Post treatment I feel tired.  Very tired.  Kind of heavy.  I also threw up yesterday afterward but luckily mom got me the bucket in time :) So I mainly eat, sleep, drink lots of water and repeat. I've been sleeping mostly at my condo as it's so close to TBCC but sometimes mom and I head to mom and dads for a change of scenery.

Energy running out, so will sign off.  Maybe too much detail but I'm a visual person so now you can imagine me as much as you want while you send all your incredible energy.  Thanks again - it's helped me get through the first 4 and I'm not at all concerned about doing more of it.  Gotta get it done.

Enjoy the May long weekend everyone!  Love Tricia


Sonia said...

Hi Tricia,

Thanks for sharing that, and YES you are a rockstar!! ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽค

It's amazing to hear about the treatment methods and I am happy to hear you have done 4 already!!

Lots more energy as you do two more next week and see the oncologist ๐Ÿ–’

Rest rest rest, drink eat and we all will be sending you somr more of the extra energy you need!

Cheers to you and thanks to your mom for being to get that bucket!!

Love Sonia

Carol said...

Thanks for the blow-by-blow description amazes us how you speak of the process as if it is an afternoon nap, not the nightmare it must be. You are a superstar! Keep up the good work and we will do our part with our love and energy. Carol and Tony

BJ said...

Dear Tricia,
Thank you for sharing your experience. We continue to pray for you and send our love and energy to help you through the next steps.
Love, BJ and Bob

Claudia Haschner said...

Oh yes, you ARE a real rockstar!
Thank you for keeping us informed, we will continue sending love, prayers and energy ✨
Stay strong, Tricia! Lots of love ❤️

ed said...

Happy birthday Tricia,

Thank you for your post
We send our prayers, love and energy your way.


Deanie and Ed

Mary Ellen said...

Dear Tricia,
That's a very complicated treatment you describe. We are sending love and prayers as you get ready for more.

I ARE a rockstar. Happy Birthday Superstar!

Lots of love, prayers, healing thoughts & energy,
Bob & Mary Ellen

Louise and David said...

๐Ÿ’ŒDear Tricia,

๐Ÿ“ƒWhat a remarkable composition! Your latest posting reads like a piece of the jazz music you are listening to during the treatment process.๐ŸŽผIt is as if you are back at the piano, staying in the moment, playing with the mood and getting the job done.๐ŸŽน

๐Ÿ“ทOnce you take us onto the table with you, it's all about sights, sounds and feelings. We sense the hardness of the table, the unique contours of your personal headrest and the surprising comfort of a warm blanket. Much more jarring are the tight-fitting mask, the tummy-ring handle and the isolating moment when everyone else leaves the room.

๐Ÿ˜”When you close your eyes, we go inside an active, calming mind that moves freely on sandy beaches and rides the cresting waves.๐Ÿ‚ We feel the rocking movement, see the flashing lights and hear the distant voices. It's no wonder that the machine never stops until it is time to remove the mask and let a true rockstar take a bow.๐Ÿ˜Ž

If your mom does decide to watch you in treatment on Tuesday or Wednesday, she will need a whole set of her own calming strategies to get through the half hour with you.๐Ÿ’• Even the members of the medical and oncology teams must be moved by your calm approach and "gotta-get-it-done" attitude.๐Ÿ’ž

We are so lucky that you are a visual person Tricia.๐Ÿ“ท Your references to such items as hardened silly string, a ring for playing fetch with a dog, the closing clamp on the face mask and your mom's vomit bucket all create such clear pictures for us. ๐ŸŽญYou tell it like it is and we thank you for that.

๐ŸŽ‚Then yesterday was your birthday and the Facebook shot of you with your cake offers no hint of what you are going through at this time in your life.๐Ÿ‘ธ It renews our deepest hopes and reminds us again of the miracle that is YOU.

We promise to support and mirror your own confidence in having to face more of the same this week๐Ÿจ. All the energy we are sending is positive and healing.๐ŸŒŒ

๐Ÿ’ŒLots of love,
Louise and David

Marcia said...

Whew! that is quite a routine - jazz music and all. Thanks for letting us know the actual procedure. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and Weds and hope it all goes well. Keep resting and healing. Lots of love, Marcia xo

C.Antonini said...

Happy birthday, Tricia. Your courage is astonishing!

Amanda Kanuka said...

Yes! Happy belated birthday! You earned cake & treats & whatever you can handle... Keep on truckin'! Thanks for the visuals- it helps us laser focus sending you good energy.
The Kanukas

Michele said...

Dear Tricia,
How amazing that you can share this very personal experience with all of us.
"Good people inspire themselves but great people inspire others."
Nice that your medical team recognizes the Rockstar in you that we've been witness to for so many years!
❤️๐Ÿค— Love, Michele

Trevor Ott said...

Dear Tricia,

Absolutely inspirational. Wanted to share that we think of you often and send boatloads of positivity your way. Recently we discovered highlighting that the heart has 40K neurons, and sends messages more often to the brain than the other way around. The power of the body to heal oneself is remarkable and leaning on your heart to heal your brain will be an easy one for you, everyone knows that your heart is just slightly larger than a galaxy :)

Learning to "live with my heart"

3 men and a Lady said...

Thinking of you Tricia and how truly amazing you are... how blessed Iam to have met you๐Ÿ˜Š