Thursday 4 December 2014

Pathology in

Had a call yesterday that I could come in this morning to see Dr. Graham to discuss pathology results.  So the summary is Stage II invasive breast cancer - Grade III tumour,  no evidence of cancer in nodes removed.  This combined with some other pathologic details suggests chemo will likely be a next step and that I will be a candidate for herceptin treatment which would follow or go along side chemo for about a year.  Tom Baker breast oncology team will contact me with an appointment to discuss a treatment plan.  Likely hear from them within a week and hopefully the appointment will be before the holidays.  Incisions seem to be healing too. I'll see Dr. Graham in 2 weeks as well to check the incisions again.

I tried driving Tuesday night with success and yesterday drove myself to an appointment as well as to my "new" condo (ready in summer) mid-construction walkthrough.  That was pretty cool...seeing my place all framed and roughed in made it real so it gives me something wonderful to look forward to next summer once I'm done all this crap ;)  Last night I drove to my monthly documentary movie screening and enjoyed a normal night with friends.  That was a treat for sure.

Maui is still a maybe - Dr. Graham thinks it's quite possible it will work - maybe no surfing he said.  The bigger factor in that decision will be what the oncologist team's plan will look like and how that timing factors in.  It's unlikely I would start chemo until the new year, but I'm not sure if delaying it a couple of weeks will be usual, have to wait and see.

So for now, I have the go ahead to move more, get that range of motion back in my arms and chest, wait of course for another phone call and appointement date, and have some more normal days.  Perhaps a gingerbread latte will also be required.  Cheers.


BJ said...

Dear Tricia,
Good news that there is no cancer in the nodes. It is also good that chemo treatment has improved a great deal in the last few years--with side effects much milder and the drugs more effective. We will be praying for a course of treatment that will be completely successful and not too onerous.
In the meantime, keep enjoying the plans for your condo, the company of good friends, and with luck, a trip to Maui, which always seems to agree so favorably with you.

Love, BJ

Mary Ellen said...

Hi Trica,
You are in our hearts and on our minds. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.
Love you,
Bob & Mary Ellen xoxo

Marcia said...

Dear Tricia, thanks for this update. You are always so positive - so I will keep a good thought! Love and prayers coming your way every day!!
Love, Marcia xo

Louise and David said...

Hi again, Tricia,
Your doctor has quite a sense of humor saying that perhaps you shouldn't do any surfing if you go to Maui. All kidding aside, though, Hawaii has been a warm and healing place for you. We think it should actually be an integral part of the treatment plan that awaits you.

For some reason, we did not anticipate a treatment process that will last an entire year. You have become an expert at getting on with life even while you are having to "wait and see". Please know that we're still standing right beside you, supporting you every step of the way.

Now, order up that gingerbread latte. May it go down as smoothly as the single-malt scotch we are raising tonight in a robust toast to life. Cheers!

Love and prayers, always,
Louise and David