Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Celebrations bring small improvements

I'm happy to report that I feel a wee bit stronger than when I last posted. While I'm still challenged by the same side effects, I puff a little less out of breath, can again walk the loop around our house, and haven't lost weight the past few days. Perhaps its all the Olympic fever motivating me! Of course I know it's more likely the continued energy I receive from everyone each day.

While I was disappointed that my plans to go to Tasha's cabin in Saskatchewan had to be deferred, I was lucky to have some of Saskatchewan come to me. Shelley Boyd and her mom Marilyn came to visit me and mom (and dad!) for a couple of days. Shelley lives in Montreal but was back in Regina for a while, so when my plans changed, she and her mom made quick plans to fly to visit us. Our moms have been friends before we were born, so we have known each other forever! While the time was too short and activities were limited to sitting, visiting and eating (and a few naps for me) - it was really awesome to hang out with old friends and feel normal again.
Monday was Day +60, a milestone for the trial, so I was at the hospital getting extra tests and bloodwork, as well as some follow up yesterday. The numbers continue to look good and the doctors are happy. With that news and the feeling I am making small improvements on the strength side, I am happy too.

Friday we're hoping to celebrate Mom and Dad's 40th anniversary (Aug 3rd) and Dad's 60th birthday (Aug 27th) and go out for dinner with my brother and Dana (babysitter pending). Since neither Mom nor Dad wanted a big party we decided to send them to a small island - Maui. Actually they had already planned to go in January so we just made it a gift instead! Not that creative but they love Maui so why risk it!

So I'll deal with my shakes, aches and fatigue...there's too much else to celebrate! I hope you enjoy every summery day before they're gone! Cheers


BJ said...

Dear Tricia,
It is so good to hear that you are making small improvements and starting to feel a bit better. Even these tiny steps bring renewed hope to us, and we continue to count each good result as progress.
While we enjoy watching the Olympics in Beijing, we celebrate you as our own everyday Olympian. You are a gold-medal champion to all of us.
Love, BJ

Mary Ellen said...

Dear Tricia,
I echo BJ's sentiments about you being a "Gold-Medal Champion". You are definitely that!
Thanks for the pictures; it's wonderful to see you smiling!
We're very happy to hear that your numbers are good, and that you're starting to feel a little bit stronger. We continue to cheer and pray for your daily improvement!
With love and admiration,
Mary Ellen xoxoxoxo

ed said...

Hi Tricia,

I didn't expect to see a posting so quickly after your last but am happy I checked. I am pleased you are feeling a little better and my prayers for you are continued improvement. I'm "in the chair" again Friday so I'll be sending Qi your way.

Love and prayers

Uncle Ed

kbub said...

Hey Tricia.

Glad to hear you're feeling better some. Day +60 and you're on a roll. Texas is pulling for you!

kelsey said...

YEAH!!! I'm so happy to hear that your continuing to make baby steps! Get out there and enjoy the sunshine!

barb said...

Hi Tricia,

I'm so happy to see another posting from you and even some pictures!! It is so good to hear that you are having some small improvements. We continue to send hugs, love and best vibes your way every day.

Love you lots,


Louise and David said...

Dear Tricia,
Good Morning from sunny BC! Indeed, we ARE enjoying every summery day while trying not to notice how quickly the season is passing.

We really appreciate the two photos in your latest posting, Tricia. Marie and Marilyn look pleased to be together again; you and Shelley look relaxed and happy; and we fans of Tricia's Tides catch yet another glimpse of you, post-transplant. As ever, you are "lovely to look at".

Like you, we are taking inspiration from the accomplishments of Olympic athletes from around the world. There are so many interesting personal stories being told during the coverage of the 2008 Games. I like Betty Jo's image of you as our very own Olympian and Gold Medal Champion. How right she is!

Congratulations on the test results of day +60. From the sound of things, you are not only continuing to "look good on paper", you are actually feeling a wee bit stronger at times. It is comforting to know that, even in the midst of your "shakes, aches and fatigue", you are encouraged by good numbers, happy doctors and family celebrations.

Friday's 40th anniversary and 60th birthday supper will be a quiet gathering in contrast to the milestones being celebrated. That's nice, too. The gift of a holiday in Maui for your mom and dad should suit them perfectly in the midst of winter's cold. Five months of anticipation will also add to their enjoyment come January.

We will be passing through Calgary next week and will phone to say hi, Tricia. Our September 3rd flight to Scotland is just three weeks away now and we have yet to visit family in Saskatchewan, too. So far, ours has been a holiday of highlights, including our July 21st encounter with you.

Keep breathing more easily, walking "the loop", maintaining your weight, and feeling the support of our energy through it all.
Much love,
Louise and David

La ma tante préférée de l'autre said...

Again Tricia ,always great to read you,
Numbers are good and that 's great .
Loops around the house are always a plus.
Happy Anniversary to your parents ,says Hi to them from me and George.
George is fighting fires in BC and I am still in Montréal
in a very extensive nursing course.
Hope the sunshine continues in your life (every bit counts).
Continuing to cheer you on and keeping you in my heart always.


Marcia said...

Hi Tricia, Hope you are continuing to improve. Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

I'm glad you're able to enjoy the Olympics. I just watch Simon Whitfield win a silver in the Triathalon - what an exciting finish!

As always, you are also an inspiration.

Lots of love, Marcia

Holly Gustafson said...

Back from vacation and thought often of you while we were there, continually saying prayers for you. There are candles lit throughout the south of France for you!

Carol Westberg said...

Hi Tricia...hopefully things will start improving faster and sooner!! You are a totally Awesome Warrior!!!
Holding you gently in my heart!!!
Gentle "Healing" Hugs...

Anonymous said...

Hi Tricia,

Even though it's been a while since I've posted on the blog, you have been in my thoughts and prayers every day. Your sense of humour permeates every post - how amazing! We salute you with the Olympic motto - "Faster, higher, stronger".

Go Tricia Go!
Love, Michele & Brian