Friday 4 July 2008

Day +22 Yahoo!

Wednesday I returned to the Bone Marrow Clinic, 6 floors below Unit 57 - just enough room to realize that I was walking in as an out-patient. After bloodwork, fluids and a visit from Dr. Brown, I was officially discharged from Unit 57 - my wristbands were cut!

My bloodwork continued to look stellar. The pharmacist gave me my pages of prescriptions to fill (Douglasdale pharmacy LOVES me) and Dr. Brown outlined the list of precautions to follow (no crowds, no sick people/kids, hand washing, immunesuppressed diet, etc.) as well as symptoms to call or come into the hospital immediately. Basically any change in any part of my body is possibly GVHD! He also indicated I could not drive for at least another week and maybe longer depending on what drugs I am still on. I reported some changes in skin, bone pain, headache, nausea, bowel activity and fatigue. In the end, he said he reserved the right to call me in at any time, but that I would need to at least come back Monday for bloodwork and then next Wednesday to see him. Wow. A pretty great visit overall, the best part being it was just a "visit".

The days this week have really evaporated. Each day by the time I get breakfast, pills, shower, change my dressing and apply my various creams, it is lunchtime and more pills. Then I usually need a rest for an hour and a half. I have more pills with dinner and then at 10 pm when I get ready for bed. Not too much actual time in between all of that to get anything done, like laundry or making my bed! And with my fatigue, I'm really not capable of more than that and perhaps a slow walk around the block. I'm not explaining this to complain, I'm outlining it so that you don't worry that I'm bored or something! Not bored. At all. And if you don't see a post, it's likely I wore myself out my putting away some clothes and just ran out of the energy! All that said, I love my simple life right now and I know that every day I am getting just a little stronger, and managing the side effects a bit more strategically, every day.

A highlight of the week, other than discharge, was Wednesday evening, when my brother called over to see if we wanted to drop by to see the boys (and him and Dana!). I had quite a bit of bone pain, but did not want to miss out on seeing Davis and Jack after so long. I couldn't touch them, but was thrilled to be entertained by them for around 45 minutes. They had just returned from a long weekend with lots of Dana's family and cousins, so they were ready to tell and show all the new things they could do. Daisy even made the trip, which added to the excitement as they love to see her (and Jack likes to imitate her) Pure joy.

The Calgary Stampede started last night and you can almost hear the "Yahoo" in Douglasdale. Clearly I won't be heading there this year, but will do some yahooing myself at home. It's sure great to be out. I hope you enjoy being out too this weekend. Again, many many thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, Qi and energy. Yahoo to you!


La ma tante préférée de l'autre said...

Yahoo! is the word.
You look so fabulous on your picture!!!
It's always such a lift for you to see those boys,I am glad that they could drop by for visit.
Quite a deal to get those medical bracelets off!!
I know that you are continuing to build the good cells
with lots of rest and love

Yahoo again

Take Care

Dominique and George

BJ said...

Dear Tricia,
Not even the 4th of July fireworks or the Stampede spectacle can compete with your news today. You look wonderful and your spirit and zest for life shine through.
Bravo and way to go!
Love, BJ

kbub said...

Great, great news. Keep it coming. I saw a lot of flags today, and with every one, I tried to direct the energy of the red and white stripes your way.

Sweet Little girls said...

Hey Trish!!!

Stellar news is all I can say too!!! We are so happy and thankful for your successful journey. Enjoy your time at home and take life easy!!!! With each day you will get stronger!!! Our thoughts and prayers continue your way!!!

Sheree Martin

Melissa said...

When I give Al this update on your progress the only thing he will say is "I'll say it again, That women is AMAZING!!! " and you are! That's the only way to describe you and your success to this point.
Even if your are tired, taking a nap, or going for a little walk, Its a step in the right direction. Your legions of Tricia's Trotters and your Red and White, & Rainbow colored army are cheering you on, in everything you do!

YAHOO!! You are the best!

We love you and Take Care

Mary Ellen said...

Hi Tricia,
Yahoo back to you!! Thanks again for your new posting and the great pictures. I love your smile and the little boys are beautiful.
We are so happy to hear that your bloodwork looks "stellar". Our prayer focus is that GVHD and those various symptons you're experiencing. You are amazing, and we send our love, admiration, prayers, & Qi.

Yahoo & Yeee-Haw!!!

Bob & Mary Ellen xoxoxo

Louise and David said...

Dear Tricia,
We are always thrilled to find a new posting on Tricia's Tides. Thank you! Today's news is as stellar as your bloodwork.

The run-down of your day reminds us that you are having to work very hard to follow your doctor's precautions, keep track of medications, "manage side effects", control diet, be alert to any new symptoms and keep medical appointments. By the time your 10pm bedtime finally rolls around, you must be really ready for a good night's rest. (I don't suppose that's a solid stretch of sleep yet, either.)

The pictures you chose to attach to this latest posting are full of life. Not only do Daisy, Jack and Davis look playful, your own eyes are lively and bright. You look absolutely radiant!

The Stampede may be under way in Calgary right now, but for us all the action is taking place on your home ground. No chuckwagon race can match the tension of your journey, Tricia, and no trophy is as prized as your daily triumphs.

Lots of love,
Louise and David

barb said...

Hi Tricia!

Hooray and yahoo right back at 'cha! So happy to hear that you are an offical "outpatient" now and it must feel wonderful to have those bracelets off!

We are all sending you tons of energy, prayers, and Qi as your body continues to adapt to those new cells. I am praying for rest, increased energy, and minimal GVHD.

Love you Tricia!


Marcia said...

Hi Tricia,

Thanks again for your update.

You look so good in your picture.

Even with the discription, it's hard to imagine your day to day schedule. So just keep doing what you're doing and we'll keep doing what we're doing - thinking of you and praying for your recovery.

Brant and Juliana and the kids arrive tomorrow for three weeks. Well, Brant may not be here the whole time, but it will be great to see them again. (They are staying with Juliana's sister, but we plan to see them lots).

Bye for now, Beautiful One.

Love, Marcia xoxo

Anonymous said...

Yahoo back to you Tricia!

Hope you are enjoying the simple life ... and the Calgary Stampede.

You've worked so hard to become an outpatient - congratulations!

We raise a toast to life to you,
Love, Michele & Brian