Sunday, 22 June 2008

Day + 10 : Less Pain and Hair

Today was a better day. That's really nice to report. While I didn't have a great sleep again, and woke up with a headache, I did feel like I had a little less pain as well as bloating in my stomach and abdomen. I also had my favourite nurse Melanie on, and she unhooked me after my half-dozen morning infusions and I showered before 12 noon - quite a feat. She also told me my white counts had gone "kinda crazy", likely due to the G-shots kicking in, and that my neutrophils were 12.2. Yes, that's 12.2. They will definitely go down tomorrow as I didn't receive a G-shot today, but it's a pretty nice response. Go Red and White.

I was able to walk a few laps slowly around the nursing station with mom early in the day, and didn't think it was as painful. Then the doctor examined me and pressed on my abdomen as they do everyday and she was quite happy with the reduction in my pain reaction as well as the increased softness of my belly. I was able to walk again with Dad later in the day and even walk outside for a few minutes. Glorious to smell the flowers and feel the sunshine on my head. Oh yeah, Mel shaved my head today as my hair started falling out a lot yesterday. I had some nausea this evening when mom came up but I managed to walk again for a few laps before sitting down to post.

My normal team of doctors will be back tomorrow and I hope they will be pleased with today's progress. I am definitely not out of the woods with the typhilitis but hope that today put me a little further away from the heavy dark centre of the forest. Since it was such a good day and everyone has been working so hard on sending me good energy, I thought I'd try to post a very short video of me with my new hairdo. In case your computer won't play it, I've posted a picture too. I'm going to bed now in hope of a solid rest and more work tomorrow. Again, endless thanks to all.


Dana said...

You'll be comforted to know that the boys recognized you immediately. "That's Tricia, that's Tricia!". Very very glad to hear the positive news. Go Red and White!

Sweet Little girls said...

Hey Trish

Thank you for the post!!! I admire your energy and deterimination!!! I am also happy to hear that you are in less pain. Our thoughts, prayers and energy are constantly flowing your way!!!!

Sheree Martin

La ma tante préférée de l'autre said...

So glad to hear of a better day.
Those neutrophils counts were quite unbelievable!!!
So good that you got to walk outside,we take so many things for granted and you really open our eyes and our hearts.
Love the video clip.
We continue to pray and meditate for you sending strong energy your way.
Good night .

Dominique and George

Mary Ellen said...

Hi Tricia,
We were very happy to hear your pain has somewhat lessened, and that your neutrophils are responding the way they are. Thanks for the video; you are unbelievable!!
I hope you get that "solid rest" you speak about and that more healing takes place as you sleep, and more healing all day tomorrow.
Sending tons of love, prayers & "red & white" energy.

With love & admiration,
Bob & Mary Ellen xoxoxox

Patterson's Progeny said...

I'm also sending red and white prayers your way!


Louise and David said...

Dear Tricia,
This is great Monday morning news!
Your video clip message with your closing smile has made our day even before we have begun to live it. U R a 10!

We hope that your high neutrophil readings mean that those "kinda crazy" cells are on site, working overtime to fight the typhilitis. The slight improvement in your symptoms suggests that might just be the case.

We know that you have a long way to go before you are "out of the woods", Tricia. Thanks for telling us about this small ray of light in "the heavy dark centre of the forest". Remember, your red and white army is all around you!

We don't know your favourite nurse, Melanie, but we like her all the same. Yesterday she made it possible for you to take a refreshing shower; she delivered encouraging neutrophil news; and she did a neat job of shaving your head. Mel is our kind of nurse!

Your walks around the nursing station and out into the fresh air have to be the best kind of therapy, especially with so much love for you to lean on.

When you talk about getting a good sleep to be ready for tomorrow, we realize just how hard you are working to perform life's daily tasks and to stay strong. We don't know how you do it, Tricia; you are awesome.

Much love,
Louise and David

BJ said...

Good Morning Tricia,

What everybody else said....we agree.
You are awesome, one of our all-time heroes.
We hope the pain continues to lessen, and that the healing process continues to grow.
It was wonderful to hear your voice, sounding way stronger than we could have expected.
All my prayer groups are pulling for you, and still praying.
My love to all your family--the other heroes in this remarkable journey.
Love, BJ

Anonymous said...

12.2 - wow wow wow! Thanks for posting the video - it was so encouraging to hear your voice and see your beautiful smile. Rest well - your Red & White army is fighting for you even while you sleep.

Love Michele & Brian
P.S. We like the new 'do!

Melissa said...

WOW, thats GREAT news, Go Tricia GO!!! I re-died my hair last night and it is now RED!!! and my skin is WHITE so I have joined the Red and White Army everyday and no matter what I wear, I'm dressed for the part!
GREAT to hear your voice in the Video, it made me cry with Joy to see that you are doing so well, even if there is pain and no hair, you are looking AWESOME!!!
We Love you, keep up the Good work!!

barb said...

Good morning gorgeous! What a beautiful video you have shared with us, Tricia. Thank you so much!

We are so happy to hear of the decrease in pain and swelling in your abdomen and we are praying in red and white that that army of neutrophils are doing their job!

Every day you inspire us to keep rowing our boats and we are rowing twice as hard today! In unison with all of your other rowers, we are loving you and sending you warmest thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Morning Tricia

We are sending our thoughts and prayers to you from your red and white army. Keep the great work and amazing deterimination.


ed said...

Hi Tricia,

Our trip back to Regina was filled with emotion, love and energy. The Calgary visit was so much more than we expected. We thank all of you and continue to send Love, prayers and Qi your way.

Ed and Deanie

Sonia said...

Good Morning Tricia,

Great news about the count and I am so happy to hear that some of the discomfort is easing up...

I hope the doctors are pleased with the progress and the fight you are giving the typhilitis.

You and your army are standing strong.

And yes, U R a 10 - it was great to see the video and your smile...

Love Sonia

Charlene Kulak said...

Hi Tricia!
I have been following your blog and wanted you to know that when I think of you two words always come to my mind -amazing and beautiful!
You are always in my prayers and this Ukrainain girl has lots of red and white to send you...

Marcia said...

Hi Tricia,
What an amazing surprise to see your video this morning.
Thank you for lifting US up while you carry on your journey.
Colleen and I worked on our prayers this weekend - making sure we get all the words right. It was fun and in the meantime, a few more thoughts and prayers were sent your way.
Lots of love from Dennis and me.

. said...

Hey Tricia,

It is great to see the video of you and to hear your voice. Its incredible that you are still smiling even though you are in pain. I hope that the effects of the typhilitis dissipate and you start healing faster. Sending positive energy and love into the universe towards you.

Love Linz

Holly Gustafson said...

Tricia, I've read a lot of books about Mother Theresa (I guess it's BLESSED Mother Theresa now!)! She has spoken a lot about suffering, both because she has seen much, and because she has endured much. Here is a beautiful story I once read that I thought might give you extra strength today:

Suffering will never be completely absent from our lives. If we accept it with faith, we are given the opportunity to share the passion of Jesus and show him our love.
One day I went to visit a lady who had cancer. Her pain was tremendous.
I told her, "This is nothing but Jesus' kiss, a sign that you are so close to him on the cross that he can kiss you."
She joined her hands and said, "Mother, ask Jesus not to stop kissing me."

May you find in your suffering His kiss.


BJ said...

Good night Tricia,

May all the warm thoughts, positive energy, love and kind wishes sent your way guard your rest tonight and heal you while you sleep.

Love, BJ

Sonia said...

Good Morning Tricia,

I hope today brings some comfort for you... you are doing an amazing job and your nurse sounds absolutely wonderful and we are all very grateful for her...!

Stay strong girl!!

Love Sonia