I never imagined I'd be sitting on my couch at home posting on Day 0. This morning's infusion started around 9:30 am, when the nurses brought in the familiar bag of my brother's cells from yesterday. To avoid a reaction, they give Benadryl prior to infusion, and that pretty much knocked me out so I slept through the infusion. Apparently it went smoothly and my vital signs did not change from the beginning to end. I slept until around 2:00 pm this afternoon, when I was told that I could go out on pass for a few hours if I felt like it. I'm still pretty "swacked" from this morning, and now have 0.1 white counts, so dozing to the U.S. Open is about the excitement I'm experiencing. But it is exciting. 

I'll probably fall asleep typing any more, so I'll keep this one short. The cells are in, thanks for the support, now the waiting begins!
Hi Tricia,
Our prayers and energy continue your way. I have to come up to Calgary to shake that young man's hand.
Uncle Ed
Hi Tricia,
It feels wonderful to be writing to you at home. You have been foremost in our minds and hearts all day and we are happy, and so hopeful for the next stage to go as smoothly. Row, row , row your boat.
Love to all of you,
Dear Tricia,
Wonderful! This is astounding news.
I went to bed but could not sleep so I got up to check your blog one more time. I can hardly believe that you are at home watching the US Open. The miracles just keep right on coming!
I love the latest pictures, especially the one of Brandon watching over you while you slept through the infusion of his cells.
Tricia, thank you for this Day 0 posting and the energy it must have taken for you to compose it. Now, while you wait, we will continue to watch and pray.
In total awe, with lots of love,
Louise and David
Hi Tricia & Brandon,
I am just bowled over with your latest news & pictures, and it's astonishing that you, Tricia, are able to be at home for a couple of hours. Your donation Brandon, is a huge tribute to life & love. You two are incredible!! Thank you.
We continue to send waves of love & prayers your way.
Mary Ellen & Bob xoxoxo
That's so cool,the cells are in,and all while you were resting.Its so wonderful.
Hurry for brother's cells !!!
This story is getting better and better by the minute.
I love this story.
Have a great evening on the couch at home.
George and Dominique
Dear Tricia!
I am so happy that "The Cells are In" and that you are resting comfortably today. As you wait, know that we are all waiting with you, loving you and holding you in our hearts!
Hello Tricia and Brandon
I can't believe you got a day pass to go home... you are amazing
Brandon what a wonderful and selfless thing you did for your sister.
Keep up the great work we are all right with you!
Hi Tricia...you are amazing beyond words...I am praying that things keep going UP for you!!! I know how it feels to be in the place you are now...so hopefully the new cells work fast!!
Gentle"You rock!!" Hugs...
Dear Tricia!
What an amazing gift that you were given a pass today!
Brandon, your brotherly love is beautiful.
Sending you love and energy. Don't forget to breathe.
Hi Tricia,
I cried tears of happiness and hope when Mom called tonight to tell me you were on a day pass - thanks to you and Brandon for sharing your day and pictures with all of us.
Hugs and love to all of you,
Brandon and Tricia...
Great job guys... amazing what love, hope and prayers can do not only for you both but for all of us who are rowing the boat right along with you... know that we are there...!!!
you both rock!!! you should be very proud of yourselves... we are proud of you...
Love Sonia
Tricia and Brandon,
You have both been in my thoughts A lot and even more today. Its great to read that so far everything has gone smooth.
Brandon you are a great brother and Tricia is lucky to have you as one and we are lucky too to have such a noble person the the family!
Tricia you will be in my thoughts still and everyday I think of you and what a great job you are doing 'Rowing your boat' keep rowing!
You both are amazing!
"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."
-- Marc Brown
Brandon and Tricia,
You are both superhero's in my mind. Thinking and praying for you both.
Love Lindsey
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