Wednesday 18 April 2007

Counting on Counts

I thought I'd do a quick post as my cousin Eddie specifically asked how I was doing! Honestly, I've been feeling pretty awful for the last week - mom and dad have also been feeling the same, so I'm sure that it's a viral infection and that it just needs to run it's course. The fact that I'm even posting on my blog is a sign that I am improving, as I have been doing nothing but sleeping for so long!

Yesterday I went into the clinic for bloodwork and another chest x-ray, so that the doctors could be sure about starting chemo "day 1" today (I was supposed to start last week, but they delayed it due to the infection). While some of my blood counts are fine, my white counts and neutriphils were lower than normal, so they have held off on the chemo again. Their best guess is that the counts are lower from the viral infection, so I'll repeat bloodwork Monday and if the counts have improved, I'll be able to continue with my trip to Miami and start chemo when I return. I'm planning on them improving, as I feel better today than the previous few days, so I'll just wait for Monday to confirm.

It's funny how quickly you get yourself back into life, and how quickly you can be thrown another unexpected turn. Regardless of what my counts will be Monday, I have once again realized that with a cold, a flu or an itch will always be a fear of something more. Trying to mentally prepare for that uncertainty is about the only action I can take, and accepting that is the best defense against the mental challenge.

It's grey outside today, but the Flames won last night and I also rescheduled New York for June! What's new with you?

1 comment:

Louise and David said...

Dear Tricia,
Thank you for this latest posting. Like little Eddie, we have been waiting for word from you, knowing that you'd be doing everything in your power to recover from the infection that postponed your trip to New York. You didn't waste any time in rescheduling your NY visit for June. Well done!

Thanks, too, for being so open about your fear that any health setback might be something more than a bug that will "run its course". Knowing your history, we share your uncertainty and we immediately renew our hopes and increase our prayers for your speedy recovery. Welcome back to your blog site. Your presence on Tricia's Tides is a sign to all of us that you must be feeling better. Whew!

Here in Port Alice we are in the final countdown to retirement. Dave's last day on the job is April 30th. We'll be out of here as soon as possible after that. Paul is expecting us in Kelowna and Alan, Melissa and Bjorn are going to put us up in Calgary before our May 10th flight to Scotland.

Have a great time in Miami, Tricia. We hope that this trip and the company of your dear friend, have the same curative effect on you as your most recent travels have had. Bon voyage!
Lots of love,
Louise and David