Tuesday 18 November 2014

Marked and heading to Flashdance

So a quick update.  Move is essentially finished and ready for the movers to transport everything next week.  Was a definite pre-op workout ;) so glad it's over.  Finished all my pre-op tests and appointments, signed off my condo sale, and my sentinel node is marked and ready to go.

Surgery time now confirmed - 9:10 AM tomorrow.  Check in by 7:10.  Many of you have asked how I'm doing and what I'm thinking about tomorrow.  I'm really not thinking about tomorrow.  I guess I am not looking forward to how everything will look afterward.given my already complicated neck and chest.  I'm obviously uncertain about the pathology.  I'm just happy to get it out.  But honestly I am probably just focused on right now.  Heading out now for dinner and "Flashdance" the musical with friends.  Nothing like a 1980's throw back to keep my focus off tomorrow ;)

Thanks again to everyone for the texts, messages, emails, thoughts and prayers.  Appreciate any extras around 9 AM MST tomorrow for my surgeon.  Cheers



Louise and David said...

OK, Tricia, we make that 4:00 pm GMT. We can think of nothing else.

I have just received an email from Margaret who has also read your latest blog entry. She and Peggy are sending good thoughts your way as this day unfolds.

You are in the steady hands of your surgeon and your army of supporters is right behind him.
Love you!

Mary Ellen said...

Love and prayers,
Bob and Mary Ellen

BJ said...

All my thoughts are focused on you today--and I am praying for a most successful outcome.
Love, BJ