Interesting how perspective changes so quickly. I was kind of happy that my activity in the bathroom slowed slightly overnight - 1.5 hours between visits rather than 45 minutes. However, the tenderness in my abdomen had increased to pain, and when my doctor examined me, we realized the pain was worse on one side. He indicated that it may be signs of early typhilitis, an inflammation of the intestines where the large intestine meets the small intestine. It is a bad thing to have with low neutriphils - mine were 0.1 today and the normal range is 2.5-7.5. I was sent for more Xrays and the docs increased my antibiotics, as well limiting me to clear fluids only (I was only on full fluids for a day or so since last week anyway).
Suddenly the idea of constant diarrhea for another week seemed pretty wonderful, if I could skip the typhilitis. It was a rough day mentally, and my hope now is that the neutriphils start kicking upward as soon as possible. I at least managed enough strength to shower this evening, so that was positive. Another half hour and I'll konk out and hopefully get some more rest! Again, thanks for the wishes...if you wish/pray/meditate in colour, think red and white...those are the colours of the small and large intestine in my Qi Gong work...:)
Hi Tricia,
We are thinking in red and white tonight just like you asked.
Listening to the news today, they were talking about Tiger playing the US Open with what now appears to be a fractured leg. All they kept saying was how tough he was. All I could think is they haven't met you!
Sleep well my friend. Love and prayers with you always.
Michelle, Doug and your Alex
Hi Tricia,
We're sorry to hear about your latest development with your intestines, and are praying that it isn't typhilitis. We're thinking red & white as we pray, and sending our love at the same time. We're hoping you get some rest tonight and that the neutriphils go up right away.
Love you,
Bob & Mary Ellen xoxoxo
We are thinking, praying, breathing and meditating red and white for you tonight.
Rest and know that we love you!
Hi Tricia,
I'll be wearing red and white for the next few days!
... not too hard since i have red hair :) oh, and a few white hairs in there too actually - the kids point those out!
You get some rest and don't worry about those oars - we all got them... know that we are all there with you praying it isn't typhilitis and that the neutriphils go up!
Love Sonia
Dear Tricia,
Red and white it is! We are hoping for an upward kick in the neutriphils, a downward trend in the pain and an improvement in everything else.
Our thoughts and prayers continue doublefold today.
Love, BJ
Hi Tricia,
It's 6 am and I am at work reading your blog, and I am wearing red and white. Just like Sonia said not hard with hair colour.
We are all praying for you and hoping it's not typhilitis... take care and stay strong.
Love Jenalee
Good morning dear Tricia!
It is early morning here and a beautiful, beautiful day. I am wearing my red t-shirt for you and sending you all my love as you begin a new day. I preay that you had some peaceful rest last night and have a relief from pain today.
~~~Infection down and neutropils up up up up up!~~~~~~~
Tricia, again we feel so blessed to be able to pray alongside you through this journey of yours - we'll wear red and white for you today!
Good morning Tricia,
We have never met but I've heard so much about you over the years. I know Brandon through a mutual friend.
Even though we haven't had the chance to meet I just wanted you to know that I can feel your strength and energy. You are an amazing woman.
I will also be thinking red and white and will continue to pray for you every day.
P.S Does anyone else wish this thing had spell check?????or is it just me????
Wishing you a better day tommorow, go neutriphils go!
Dear Tricia,
Whenever you introduce a new medical term, we do a google search to find out more. As a result, we understand a little bit better why your doctor suspects that you may be showing early signs of typhilitis. We appreciate, too, the importance of increasing your antibiotics, improving your white blood cell counts and raising your neutriphil levels.
In reading your latest posting, we cannot help but think that you have the best of doctors pulling out all the stops for his stellar patient. Add to that, bold red and pure white Qi Gong energy and our confidence soars as you battle on, Tricia.
In your latest picture we see the tired face of a most determined warrior. We wish you a solid, painless sleep that replenishes the strength of your body, mind and spirit.
Love and prayers,
Louise and David
PS: Tricia ... Today when I googled "Neutriphils" I was directed to Tricia's Tides!
Why should that surprise me? You are leading the way, paving a road of hope for yourself and others.
Love, Louise
Sorry to hear about the latest development. But we're confident you can beat the crap out of any -itis that's foolish enough to challenge you.
Kenneth & Johanne
tricia. thanks for keeping us all up to date - i check in several times a day for a posting!!! I too wish you well and am thinking of you and hoping that you can get some much needed rest soon.
tricia. thanks for keeping us all up to date - i check in several times a day for a posting!!! I too wish you well and am thinking of you and hoping that you can get some much needed rest soon.
tricia. thanks for keeping us all up to date - i check in several times a day for a posting!!! I too wish you well and am thinking of you and hoping that you can get some much needed rest soon.
I was directed to your blog almost a year ago from my good friend, Sheree Martin. I feel that as a fellow blogger, I need to tell you that I too am following your journey and your tides. The blogging circle can run so deep!
I also went to High School, and still remember being in a play with you and you did such a good job of impersonating Marilla....
That being said, I also remember your vivacious and positive attitude that still shines through in your blog postings. I think of you daily and hope to send some prayers to your room!
Thank you for letting us all share in your journey and surround you with positive thoughts and wishes in every way possible!
Christine Killam (Prud'homme)
Though my tri suit isn't red and white that'll be the colours I'll be thinking about all through my race tomorrow!
I have at least 45-50 minutes in the lake to think about something other then the possible shark that could be waiting for me in Lake Midnapore (what? Could happen?) Instead I'll think in red and white strokes!
Hi Tricia, we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers daily. Thanks for the update - you are so dear to us and we want to know everything!
Dennis and I are in Vancouver and visiting Allan and Colleen, so you are very much here with us.
Lots of love - rest well.
Marcia xo
Good morning Tricia,
It's a glorious morning over here.
With the first day of summer we hope the sun is shining on you in Calgary too.
I'm off to the links now...The Old Course uses red flags on the front nine and white flags on the back nine... Today I will be thinking of you with each putt..
Cheers Dave.
Hi Tricia,
I should be in bed, but just had to check in on you first and add my cheers of support for increasd neutriphils. Sending you healing thoughts across the miles.
Hugs in red & white,
Good Morning, Tricia
May the summer solstice be the beginning of a tremendous healing process for you, and the warmth of the sun embrace you and shine on you today. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all day.
Love, BJ
Hi Tricia!
I'm just popping in to send you hugs in red and white and all of our love on this beautiful sunny start to summer. I pray that you are having a better day today. I love you lots. U r a 10 in every way possible!!!
Hi Tricia,
Brian & I wore red & white for you today and I began and will end this day with my mantra: go neutriphils go.
Love and peaceful dreams,
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