Yes, I realize it's not been long since I escaped the hurricane and kissed solid ground again, but Dad and Mom were heading to Chicago for a conference that Dad had to attend and I couldn't help but take advantage of a hotel room in a city I've never spent time in. We're only here for 3 days, but I added a few more days in New York to see some friends and possibly my NYC team of doctors working on treatment options.
This past Monday I started another "day one" of chemo and had an update on the possible path to a third transplant under a clinical trial. The good news is that the doors to opening the trial to Calgary are not totally slammed shut yet. The bad news is that the paperwork and hoops and jumps grow as the door stays open, so that means patience is a key requirement for me as all the doctors continue to work away.
In the meantime, life continues as it does and always will. I've filled the time nicely between "transplant administration" with my work with the Society, as well as connecting with friends for lunches, dinners, a little Singstar and even a ladies poker night. We also had Davis and Jack for a few hours this weekend, which is always a source of joy and escape from any world you currently reside in. They are nearly 16 months now and are VERY active, and pretty entertaining.
I look forward to this weekend to connect again with some old NYC friends as well. Good days and even half days of "good stuff" counter some challenging days or moments I have lately - really the certainty of a wonderful hour visiting with a friend can balance the uncertainty of the time I have or what treatment I may do or not do. It's funny how the smallest treasures of life are the glue that keep you together to face the hardest challenges.
At the end of the month, or over the course of the next few weeks depending on the city, many of you will attend the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Light the Night's a great event that really celebrates life. The Calgary walk is on September 29th with over 24 "tricia's trotters" - I will also walk the next morning in the Run for the Cure with my friend Tasha as we both celebrate survivorship and life together. If you'd like to support either event but can't make the walk, you are certainly welcome to make a donation at either of my donation sites:
Of course, I'm grateful simply for your continued support as I "trot" through this roller coaster.
Many many thanks and cheers from the windy city,Tricia
Dear Tricia,
I guess we should not be at all surprised to find you on the road again. Chicago and New York in September...Austin in October...the adventures on your life's list continue.
We will go right on waiting for further word about possible plans for your third transplant. It seems to us that patience and urgency make an odd mix when it comes to such a life-extending procedure. Can we admit to being eager for an answer without creating anxiety?
Yes, indeed, life does move on. Toddlers like Jack and Davis can illustrate what a difference a week or even a day can make in the acquiring of new skills and the achievement of our goals.
Dave and I have "borrowed" your reflection about how small things provide "glue" when big things threaten to pull us apart. We understand how deliberately staging good times in the present can build strength for whatever the future may bring. In that light, have a wonderful time with your NYC friends this weekend.
We will be with you in spirit as you and your 24 trotters take part in Calgary's Light the Night Walk on September 29th. It's great that you and Tasha will Run for the Cure the following morning as well, to celebrate life and to support others in their journeys.
Thanks for staying in touch with us the way you do Tricia. We think of you with love every day and we check your site often for the latest "travel" update - both geographical and medical.
And always we toast LIFE!
Cheers, Louise and David
Hi Tricia,
I hope your travels to Chicago & NY are relaxing and enjoyable and informative. We continue to pray and wait for new developments re: your 3rd transplant.
Thanks for the new photos. I am surprised every time I see how quickly Jack & Davis are growing & changing. What cuties they are.
I'll be seeing you on the 29th as Tricia's Trotters and the other teams 'Light up the Night' here in Calgary.
Until then, Bob & I send our love.
Mary Ellen xoxoxo
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