Monday 29 January 2007


Since my last post, there is not much to report. I was quite tired and a bit "blue" for most of the week, unsure of why but likely related to the chemo I had started the week before, as well as returning to the real world.

Last Wednesday evening I made it to an information session for marathon runners in the Team In Training program of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am NOT running if you're worried! As many of you know, I have been on the board of the Society for a number of years, and often speak at various events we have, about the mission and my experience with leukemia. I was feeling "less than inspiring" about going this week, but once I spoke to over 60 people who were signed up to raise funds and run a marathon, many for the first time, I was given a boost. My story was very fitting - I told them that a few months ago, I was bid-ridden, could not sit up, breathe without oxygen, swallow, or walk, but that two weeks ago, I walked into the ocean and snorkled. The body can do amazing things so they could easily run a marathon, even if they've never run. One woman, who attended a session I spoke at 3 years ago, had run 5 marathons since then. Truly amazing.

Mom and I had a visit with the twins (and mom and dad Dana and Brandon!) on Thursday night, which is always good for boosting spirits! They are growing so fast it is crazy. We took some photos so that Mom could show Grandma Gunn pictures of them when she went to Vancouver this weekend. The boys were very happy with the photo shoot!

The weekend was quiet but good. I was able to attend a meeting for the Society's Celebrity Waiters' Luncheon, which allowed me to see some wonderful people that I hadn't seen in a while. Tasha and I got in a little SingStar and I am more confident about my acting abilities than my singing. I also watched a bit of golf, now that I am addicted following attending Mercedes tournament in Hawaii.

Just after I posted last week, I found out that contrary to what I thought, I will not be going off blood thinners quite yet. I've decided to keep up the injections of the thinner, rather than the pill-form thinners, as you need less regular blood work to monitor the appropriate level. It just means a purple stomach for a little while longer, and an excuse to have a little roll of fat there! I also found out the doctors don't want to increase my one chemo drug quite yet either, until my liver recovers a bit more. It's the ususal roller coaster!

I noticed a very interesting posting in my guestbook and wanted to let everyone else know about will see Oliver Bosch signed just the other day. Oliver was my bone marrow donor for my second transplant (brother Brandon was the first) and he lives in Germany with his family. Since I found out that he was my donor about 2 years ago, we have corresponded a few times by e-mail...his friend Claudia translates from German to English and vice-versa. It's a small world!

That's all for now....let me know what you've been up to!


Louise and David said...

Dear Tricia,
For someone who had "not much to report", you filled us in on quite a bit, from public to personal.

Your very presence at the Team in Training session would be inspiration enough for prospective runners; hearing you speak from experience would be awesome.

The new picture of you and the twins is a great addition to your home page; we also like your Hawaiian look.

We understand and share your addiction to watching the pros play golf. How about that Tiger Woods? He'll be in Dubai this coming weekend.

We are amazed at how individualized your ongoing treatment plan is. It depends entirely on how your system is coping and you must constantly be "under a microscope". The comparison to a roller-coaster is apt; no wonder you sometimes feel "tired and blue".

Thanks for pointing out your bone-marrow donor, Oliver Bosch, to us. There are so many people who have made entries in your guest book. You are obviously special to all of us, Tricia; feel the energy we're sending your way today.
Much love, Louise and David

Rick Snidal said...


just found out about the blog, it's great!

Happy to see your news , especially re Hawaii.

Take care and all the best

Rick Snidal