Saturday 9 December 2006

'Tis the Season to be Merry

This week has been very merry...I have been feeling better than I have in a long long while. While my stamina still has a long way to go, my energy has improved this week.

Gifts of the week

- getting my "pick" line in my arm removed - I am officially "tubeless". My chemo now is mostly pill-form, so I'll do blood tests and my monthly IV chemo by a peripheral IV instead of having the pick.
- being told by my plastic surgeon Dr. Campbell that I don't need to come in to wound care anymore, as my wound in my neck/chest is all closed!
- having lunch with my sister-in-law Dana and my twin nephews Jack and Davis
- playing "SingStar" with my good friend Tasha (who is courageously fighting breast cancer), without our wigs on, forgetting either of us were sick

I truly hope all of you have a healthy, joyful, happy holiday season. I am so thankful for the joys of life that I am able to experience, having survived the past few months. Your wishes, prayers, energy, thoughts, words and visits have truly been spectacular, giving me some powerful strength to beat the odds. Please toast life throughout the holiday season and have an extra piece of baking for me!


1 comment:

ed said...

Hi Tricia,

It is super to be able to keep up on your news this way. We are very pleased you are improving and our thoughts and prayers continue your way. I received your card and thank you very much.We have a gathering tonight we will toast to life.

Much love and prayers