Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Angels and Game 7

The past two weeks have really flown by, which is wonderful given the "waiting phase" I am still in. While I am not totally back to pre-pneumonia health, I am quite close.

I am actually writing this blog while watching Game 7 of the Flames-Sharks series and the score is not good at 5-2 for San Jose. I have to do something else while I watch as I find it too stressful to just watch. We'll see where it ends up by the time I finish writing!

Before winter arrived again in Calgary last week, I was able to get out to a couple of parties - a gala fundraiser for Cancervive (www.cancervive.ca) which allowed me to wear a party dress with my new hair, bid on auction items and chat with some remarkable people. The next night, I stopped in at a 60th birthday party for Max Morin, a long-time friend of our family, and caught up with some really old, good friends that I hadn't seen for many years. It's funny how time doesn't put any distance between old friends. I love that.

Earlier that morning, I visited some angels by the river. No, I am not on prednisone again. The daughter of a friend and coworker of mine had created a beautiful pastel drawing of an angel that was featured as a table-top of a cafe called Angels, located in a lovely riverside park. I had seen the work in progress and was really happy to meet their family at the cafe, have a visit and check out the finished product. I've kind of seen her two daughters grow up over the past 10 years, with the artist now 17 and graduating. They are both wonderful girls and their family have been great supporters of me over the years, so it was a pleasure to spend some time with them.

The following week, feeling stronger yet post-pneumonia I was able to continue the "good energy" roll - having a delicious dinner with my former Leukemia & Lymphoma Society board members, catching up with a variety of friends, and spending time with "the boys" (twins Davis and Jack as well as Tasha's Talyn). Those little boys are so adorable and fill their Auntie Tricia with nothing but love and happiness. I've been learning as much as I can from them. I also continue to learn from Tasha, as she manages to juggle her chemo, a toddler, and sell her house while being a huge support and friend to me, all while looking like a fashion trendsetter!

Last Wednesday, I visited Dr. Brown and we had our usual chat about the application status. He had heard from Ottawa, as they had some very minor questions/clarifications, which he thought was somewhat positive. He also had 3 possible options lined up for the drug "wrinkle" I had referred to a couple posts ago, and felt that 1 of those should work if we get approval. His estimate of when Ottawa would render their final decision later this week (I estimate early next week, based on my experience and auditor skepticism). I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel!

So, it's Game 7 for me and the Flames! I hope we both win.

The Flames just scored...now 5-3 - you never know what can happen....